Freeola Chat Search from Hmmm... or Google

  1.  Look to your web browser's search area, and see if any area has lit up. If it hasn't, you web browser does not support the openreach standard, and can't be added in this manor.
  2.  Click on the glow to bring up the search menu, where you should see Hmmmola and Freeoogle listed as selectable.
  3. Click to add

If your web browser has a search pane above, and supports the opensearch standard, you should see it glow in one way or another. Clicking on the glowing area should offer you the chance to add one of two search functions that you can use to search Freeola Chat. One via Hmmm...'s search page, dubbed Hmmmola and the other directly via Google, dubbed Freeoogle.

Whichever you choose is up to you (you can choose both) as the search results will be the same (as it's all done by Google), the only difference is with Hmmmola, you can select individual fourms.