Yesterday, most people used Freeola Chat (half the traffic), while only 15% used the Walkthroughs section!
<img src=",35,15&chs=370x100&chl=Chat%20(50%)|Cheats%20(35%)|Walkthroughs%20(15%)" alt="???">
Since the Gaming Awards started, the top six winners are shown below:
<img src=",68,62,59,55,51&chs=300x200&chxl=0:|0 wins|25 wins|50 wins|75 wins|100 wins|1:|Rickoos|Reefer|Meka Dragon|spoonbeast|Aliboy|pb&chxt=x,y" alt="???">
During the week Freeola is used more than the weekend, maybe because people use it from work?
<img src=",82,89,94,97,26,38&chs=400x150&chxl=0:|Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday|1:|0|20|40|60|80|100&chxt=x,y" alt="???">
Similar to Freeola's current indicators, but Google get to pay for the bandwidth! What is wrong with the Web Servers?
<img src="" alt="???">
<img src="" alt="???">
<img src="" alt="???">