Please fill out my questionnaire.
Name: Age: Post Code: (form control disabled) Country: (form control read only) Password: Photo:
Which is your primary web browser: Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Opera Safari don’t know
Which other web browsers do you have installed: Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Opera Safari don’t know
How often do you spend online a week: 0-5 hours 6-12 hours 13-24 hours more than 24 hours
How do you usually access the internet (multiple choice): PC or laptop TV mobile phone handheld computer games console other
Which is your all time favourite games console: Playstation 1 Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Playstation Portable Xbox Xbox 360 Dreamcast Saturn Mega Drive Master System DS Gamyboy Wii Gamecube Nintendo 64 Super Nintendo Nintendo other
Which other games consoles have you owned (multiple choice): Playstation 1 Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Playstation Portable Xbox Xbox 360 Dreamcast Saturn Mega Drive Master System DS Gamyboy Wii Gamecube Nintendo 64 Super Nintendo Nintendo other
Any other comments: Enter your comments here