8-Balls Bomb Shelter
in Vice City

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Bullet Point 8-Balls Bomb Shelter
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8-balls bomb shelter
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8-balls garage is located down in the Vice City Docks area (Vice Port). Here, you are able to arm your vehicle with a bomb. Simply drive in to the garage, let the door close, and when it opens, you'll be active with the explosive.

Each bomb will cost you $500.

Once you've had the bomb attached, you are free to go wherever you please. You can only explode the bomb when you are out of the vehicle, however.

When you are ready to explode the vehicle, park it and get out. Move away from the vehicle so you don't suffer any lose of life when the explosion occurs.

Vehicle Bomb Detonator

Select the detonator from your
list of weapons, and press the
fire button, and the vehicle
will explode instantly.

8-Balls Bomb Shelter 8-Balls Bomb Shelter